Brothers Keeper

Shall I be my brothers keeper ?

Do you know who asked this question? – yes, Kain. He had just killed his brother Abel out of envy and  malice. We find this story in the second account of creation. That second account is not considered the original one. Hate, malice and death are not recorded in the original First account of creation. “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold it was very good.” Gen. 2:31 In our key to the Scriptures M.B. Eddy explains further:”… the scripture just preceding declares God`s work to be finished. Does Life, Truth and Love produce death, error and hatred?... It can not be so.”p.522:29

When I am asking my foster kids a question and they answer with a contra question it is pretty clear that they can`t or do not want to answer the question. Same with Kain. He is trying to conceal his awful deed of killing his brother Abel, pretending not to be interested in his brother, even ridiculing God by asking a contra question.

A similar question “Who is my neighbor” was put before Jesus, also in the attempt of “self-justification”. We read in Luke 10:29 “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. But he (a young lawyer), willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers by telling him  the well-known parable of the good Samaritan. The Samaritans were the least recognized, least loved people in those days,… thus showing us that in God`s eyes no matter who you are, Jude or Samaritan, small or big, old or young, rich or poor, refugee or citizen , we are equally valuable. We are all the same called to care for one another, our fellow human being! The man who fell among the thieves was not a fellow Samaritan either! He was a human being needing help! “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Gal 6:10

The Samaritan was acting just like Eddy requires of a Christian Scientist (Church manual  Art. XXIV Sect.5 ) God`s Requirement. God requires wisdom, economy and brotherly love to characterize all the proceedings of the members of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist. Anyone who is seeking healing by applying Christian Science for himself can ask a Christian Science nurse to help him/her just as that is the case with CS practitioners.

Considering this Bible verse the question might arise : Can a Christian Science nurse nurse a Non-Christian Scientist?   Anyone who is seeking healing by applying Christian Science for himself can ask a Christian Science nurse to help him/her just as that is the case with asking a CS practitioner.

I am a Christian Science nurse  -  not a nurse for Christian Scientists.

What do you think about the notion: The Christian Science Church`s outstretched arm of Love  is the Christian Science nurse? Thus the Christian Science Church cares for their own? Does this  suggest that this way the individual member of the Church is not responsible to care for their Church members? Nor for any other fellow being?

Wouldn`t this  almost be a kainlike attitude trying to get rid of our God-given responsibility of loving care for each other? The answer to this question we can find when we consider where the article for the CS nurse is placed in the Church Manual. It is Article VIII:31. It is named: Guidance for members. We find it under the overall heading “Discipline”. Doing this doesn`t Eddy  make clear, where the responsibility for Christian Science nursing lies: not just on the ones who advertise in the CS Journal as CS nurses but:  On each Christian Scientist!... Thus we can answer Kain`s question: Am I my brother`s keeper with a wholehearted Yes of course! Yes I love to do so!

What about if there is the willingness to help but  thoughts creep along trying to make you believe in some kind of lack,  like “I am not trained to do CS nursing, I am too shy, I am too old, there is nothing I can contribute…?  All  but snakelike tempters with no authority or power behind them! Do not listen! Lift your thoughts above the illusive disturbing fog into the clear warming atmosphere of Love itself. The argument “I am not trained as CS nurse you can answer with a quote by Norman Wood :” God does not elect the qualified; He qualifies the elect”. As a sincere Christian Scientist you are already fulfilling the most important part of Christian Science nursing; you are already in the healing business. You might be nursing your fellow church members by being the usher, or organ player, or reader or else.

“In atmosphere of Love divine, we live and move and breathe”…  Hymn 144                                                              To uphold an atmosphere of scientific thought and trusting confidence in God`s loving care for his refection, means : expressing the most important CS nursing task you can possibly do!


But how do I get that “knowing, trust, absolute conviction in Gods directing my thought and action ?”

Helping in Christian Science whether by practicing Christian Science or by Christian Science nursing is not difficult. Why? … Because it is not something you are doing out of your self.  Both activities require coming away from self to become absolutely one with God, Intelligence, active Love,… thus removing any obstacle to let Love do the work through you. Remember: You are not the originator of good, you are the expression of God, good -   the drop in the Ocean of Love , made of the same substance, same in quality not quantity.

 “Whatever holds human thought in line with unselfed love, receives directly the divine power.”Sc.+H.P.192:30  When I wrote down this quote I noticed that my mistake finder was marking “unselfed” in red. I tried to find out what I did write incorrectly but realized that the word “unselfed” does not exist. It is an invention by Eddy. She invented this word to make the sense clearer. Could she have put “selfless” instead of “unselfed”? No. “Selfless” is not the same and can have a slightly negative connotation. It implies somehow being the victim or holding back unintentionally…  So Eddy needed to invent this new word unselfed…. To rid yourself of “self” … like Eddy said often that she always tried to get rid of “Mary”. Christian Science nursing means : doing  un-selfed work. This way being a Christian Science nurse I do not represent myself  as Gisi Kitchingman : I am the expression of ministering Love with all the authority of God directing my actions.

Coming back to the original question “Am I my brother`s keeper?” ... The answer can only be and ever will be a wholehearted   -  Yes, of course.

·       Yes, lets walk a mile of our way together

·        no , it is not burdensome

·       No, I am not carrying your heavy load for you but I help you throw off that so heavy load,  you thought you needed to carry

·       Yes , Christ`s  burden is light, he told us!

·       No I cannot give of my oil, but I show you where you can get your own

·       Yes you can walk with me because I am letting my light shine, fed by divine oil  - so both of us can see the way

·       Yes, I go the second and third mile with you

·        Yes, God directs our path

·       No, I am not humanly responsible for you because I understand that our only responsibility is “to look to God in every need”

·       Yes, I am my brother`s keeper because I understand that God cares for man

·       Yes “God will heal the sick through man, whenever man is governed by God” Sc.+H.  p.495:1

Christian Science nursing can not be characterized as “a profession” which only some elect and trained can practice, nor a ministry some Christian Scientists sometimes pursue. Christian Science nursing can be  characterized as “ an attitude in life”, warm, loving qualities lived. Christian Science nursing in it`s purest form is natural to everyone - the  simplicity of Christ expressed.

“As an active portion of one stupendous whole, goodness identifies man with universal good. Thus may each member of this church rise above the oft-repeated inquiry, What am I? to the scientific response: I am able to impart truth, health and happiness, and this is my rock of salvation and my reason for existing.” Miscellany p.165:16

You and I can be a  “gentle beam of living Love”. Hymn 23      

Gisi Kitchingman


Ich möchte helfen! Aber Wie? (Ausdruck der Liebe – 16.Dezember 2018)